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Insights From a Transgender Abortion

Jul 16, 2024 / By: Michael Spielman
Category: Miscellaneous

Entering this month, Abort73 had published 816 abortion stories. These unsolicited accounts have come to us from all over the world—mostly from women, but also from some grieving fathers as well. But then something unprecedented happened on America’s 248th birthday. From across the pond, Abort73 received its first ever abortion story from a transgender man. That is to say, from a woman who now calls herself a man. I realize, of course, that even that disclaimer pigeonholes me as a bigot. Transgender men are men (as the orthodoxy goes), but that’s a premise I’m unwilling to affirm. 

For virtually all of human history, it was understood that men can’t get pregnant. That, in essence, is what makes men men. “If men could get pregnant,” Gloria Steinem famously quipped in 1971, “abortion would be a sacrament.” But even then, her thinking was flawed. Because if men could get pregnant, they wouldn’t be men; they’d be women.…

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Is the Birth Control Pill Turning Women into Men (and Men into Women)?

Jun 12, 2024 / By: Michael Spielman
Category: Miscellaneous

Until recently, almost no one gave credence to the idea that men could become women or women become men. And though the powers that be are suddenly doing their damndest to hoist this pretense upon us, it’s only the fringes of society that are willing to go along. For most of us, we look at mentally-unstable men taking up residence in women’s locker rooms, serving time in women’s prisons, breaking women’s athletic records, or trying to make infants suck their nipples, and we see it not as progress but degradation. Evil would be another word. But have you ever considered the role the birth control pill might be playing in all this gender confusion? I hadn’t, at least not until Jordan Peterson sat down with evolutionary psychologist Sarah Hill to talk about the pill’s rather staggering impact on the minds and bodies of women. And men.

For many years, decades even, I thought the most problematic thing about the birth control pill was that it might cause an abortion. Though a cadre of purportedly pro-life physicians staunchly refused to concede this possibility, the birth control industry has sort of given up the charade. Making the uterus hostile to implantation…

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The Terribly Practical Benefits of IVF

May 02, 2024 / By: Michael Spielman
Category: Abortion in the News

The arguments for in vitro fertilization are terribly practical. That’s an expression I borrowed from C.S. Lewis. “Terribly practical,” that is. Prescient as Lewis was, I don’t think he ever delved into the ethics of IVF. Actually, I take that back. His 1945 conclusion to the Space Trilogy foresaw a time when human beings would “learn how to reproduce [themselves] without copulation”—and that is precisely what IVF offers. I do not say that in vitro fertilization is a terribly practical procedure (the old way of getting pregnant is far simpler), but the arguments supporting IVF certainly are. And therein lies the difficulty. To be terribly anything—be it clever, funny, or attractive—is to carry at least a hint of something dangerous. “Terribly” is an intensifier that toes the line between the amoral and the immoral, which is the same line toed by IVF.

Earlier this year, the Alabama Supreme Court garnered intense national criticism for ruling that human embryos—even the in-vitro variety—would be recognized as children under the law. As a result, several…

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Planned Parenthood or Planned Abortion?

Apr 09, 2024 / By: Michael Spielman
Category: Miscellaneous

Planned Parenthood is a brilliantly duplicitous name. Because what is the plan for virtually everyone who enters America’s premier abortion destination? The plan, of course, is to avoid parenthood—through birth control or abortion. Usually both. And both are inherently anti-parenthood. Planned Parenthood may bristle at being called “Big Abortion,” but guess whose website comes up when you type in BigAbortion.com? That would be the corporation that destroys parenthood under the banner of Parenthood. Planned Barren-hood would be more appropriate, though I doubt it would sell so well. For the most unscrupulous marketers, it’s never about selling reality.

Margaret Sanger, the woman who founded the organization that became Planned Parenthood, hated the name—but by the time the American Birth Control League was rebranded as such, she no longer had a controlling interest. Following Sanger’s death in 1966, Planned Parenthood—helmed at the time…

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Taylor Swift on Motherhood and Abortion

Feb 07, 2024 / By: Michael Spielman
Category: Miscellaneous

Full disclosure. Taylor Swift has been among my Spotify most-played artists for two years running. That’s not an easy admission for a 48-year-old man to make, but I’ve been something of a pop junkie since No Jacket Required—and Taylor Swift has a remarkable knack for crafting tunes that insist on being played again and again. I am not alone, of course. Taylor Swift was Spotify’s most-played artist in 2023 and Time magazine’s Person of the Year. And now, thanks to her well-publicized relationship with the younger Kelce bro (Mr. Pfizer, as Aaron Rodgers calls him), Taylor Swift is in very real jeopardy of overshadowing America’s most spectacular spectacle. All of which makes this a perfect time to piggyback her cultural takeover.

Taylor Swift has now been a next-level star for half her life—and though we still think of her as young, she’s no longer the curly-haired teenager America fell in love with. Swift turns 35 this year, which is not nothing. In fact, it’s almost middle-aged. And biology is undefeated. For women, fertility begins to fall off in their late twenties. By 35, it’s rapidly heading…

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Breaking News: Outlawing Abortion Reduces Total Abortions!

Jan 22, 2024 / By: Michael Spielman
Category: Abortion in the News

For decades Planned Parenthood has claimed that the worst way to reduce abortion is to make it illegal. The best way, according to those wise and noble sages, is by buying more birth control. Of course Planned Parenthood is a billion-dollar business that essentially sells two things: birth control and abortion. Some might call that a conflict of interest, but you can totally trust them because, you know, science. Well, it turns out Planned Parenthood’s rhetoric has been less than forthright because—and this may shock you—outlawing abortion does reduce the number of abortions. Dramatically. 

If my estimated abortion total holds, 2022 will mark the largest year-over-year abortion reduction in American history. What could possibly account for this historic decline, after five straight years of steady increase? That’s an easy one. Following the fall of Roe v Wade, on June 24, 2022, abortion bans went into effect in fourteen states. So for half the year,…

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