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Citing Abort73 as a Source

Reference examples from the APA, MLA, and Chicago Style Guides.


Abort73 is an offering of Loxafamosity Ministries, a non-profit, 501(c)3 educational corporation. Below you will find examples for how to cite information you find on the Abort73 website in accordance with standard, academic style guides. Instructors will generally specify which style guide they prefer you to use. If a publication date is needed, use the "last updated" date, which you'll find below the main body text—above any footnotes. The date for Abort73 Blog entries are listed below the title. For more help with citations, visit: http://www.onlineschools.org/citation-guide/

APA (American Psychological Association) Style

APA style requires in-text citations and a reference list. If you don't identify the  name and date of your source in the narrative, that information should be inserted in parentheses within the appropriate sentence or paragraph. If you're citing the entire Abort73 web site (and not a specific page), a reference list entry is not required, so long as the Abort73 URL is included in the text of your paper. Since Abort73 does not list page numbers, paragraph numbers may be used to more specifically target content. The paragraph number should be preceded by the paragraph symbol.

An in-text citation for one of the main Abort73 pages (corporate author) looks like this:

(Abort73.com, 2009 ¶ 7)

An in-text citation for an Abort73 blog entry (individual author) would look something like this:

(Jones, 2009 ¶ 3)

If you're citing multiple Abort73 pages, it may be more helpful to list the page title, rather than than the corporate author, for your in-text citations:

("Medical Testimony," 2009 ¶ 7)

Here are the corresponding reference list examples for the entries above:

Abort73.com. (2009). Medical Testimony. Retrieved February 24, 2009, from http://www.abort73.com/index.php?/abortion/medical_testimony

Jones, J. (2009, February 20). The Bible vs. Abortion: Comparing Two Worldviews. Retrieved February 24, 2009, from http://www.abort73.com/index.php?/blog/the_bible_vs_abortion_comparing_two_worldviews/

Medical Testimony. (2009). Abort73.com. Retrieved February 24, 2009, from http://www.abort73.com/index.php?/abortion/medical_testimony

Learn more about APA at: http://www.library.cornell.edu/resrch/citmanage/apa

MLA (Modern Language Association) Style

MLA style requires in-text citations and a Works Cited list. If you don't identify the name of the source in the narrative, it should be inserted in parentheses within the appropriate sentence or paragraph. Since Abort73 does not list page numbers, paragraph numbers may be used to more specifically target content. The paragraph number(s) should be preceded by the abbreviation "par. or "pars.".

An in-text citation for one of the main Abort73 pages (corporate author) looks like this:

(Abort73.com, par. 7)

An in-text citation for an Abort73 blog entry (individual author) would look something like this:

(Jones, par. 3)

If you're citing multiple Abort73 pages, it may be more helpful to list the page title, rather than than the corporate author, for your in-text citations:

(Medical Testimony, par. 7)

Here are the corresponding Works Cited examples for the entries above. The first date is the electronic publication date. The second date is the date you viewed the page:

Abort73.com. "Medical Testimony." 17 January 2009. 24 February, 2009, <http://www.abort73.com/index.php?/abortion/medical_testimony>.

Jones, Jeff. "The Bible vs. Abortion: Comparing Two Worldviews." Abort73.com. 20 February, 2009. 24 February, 2009, <http://www.abort73.com/index.php?/blog/the_bible_vs_abortion_comparing_two_worldviews/>

"Medical Testimony." Abort73.com. 17 January 2009. 24 February, 2009, <http://www.abort73.com/index.php?/abortion/medical_testimony>.

Learn more about MLA at: http://campusgw.library.cornell.edu/newhelp/res_strategy/citing/mla.html

The Chicago Manual of Style

The Chicago Manual of Style offers two documentation systems, the author-date system (parenthetical text notes + reference list) and the humanities style (numbered footnotes + bibliography).

An author-date, in-text citation for one of the main Abort73 pages (corporate author) looks like this:


An author-date, in-text citation for an Abort73 blog entry (individual author) would look something like this:

(Jeff Jones, The Abort73 Blog, entry posted February 24, 2009)

Here are the corresponding reference list examples for the entries above:

Abort73.com. "Medical Testimony." Loxafamosity Ministries, http://www.abort73.com/index.php?/abortion/medical_testimony.

Abort73 Blog, http://www.abort73.com/index.php?/blog/.

 A humanities style footnote for one of the main Abort73 pages (corporate author) should look something like this:

1. Abort73.com. "Medical Testimony." Loxafamosity Ministries, http://www.abort73.com/index.php?/abortion/medical_testimony.

The accompanying bibliography entry would read as follows:

Abort73.com. "Medical Testimony." Loxafamosity Ministries, http://www.abort73.com/index.php?/abortion/medical_testimony (acccessed February 24, 2009).

A humanities style footnote for an Abort73 blog entry (individual author) would look something like this:

2. Jeff Jones, "The Bible vs. Abortion: Comparing Two Worldviews," The Abort73 Blog, entry posted February 24, 2009, http://www.abort73.com/index.php?/blog/the_bible_vs_abortion_comparing_two_worldviews (acccessed February 24, 2009).

The accompanying bibliography entry would read as follows:

Abort73 Blog, The. http://www.abort73.com/index.php?/blog/.

Learn more about Chicago Style at: http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html

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