Abort73.com > Feedback > Abortion Stories > October 17, 2011

#abortionstories @abort73


Abortion Story: Richmond, VA

Submitted to Abort73 by a 37-year-old man on October 17, 2011


I am guilty of taking part in 2 abortions. The first one was when I was just twenty. I was dating a girl who was seeing someone else, and I didn't want to take a chance that the baby wouldn't be mine. I ended up marrying her, having a daughter and a couple of years later, divorcing. The second was when I was about twenty-nine. I slept with a friend (while drunk) and a pregnancy resulted. I told her I didn't want to put another child through a broken family and took her to a clinic where they didn't remove all of the baby but sent us home thinking everything was OK. The woman got very sick from this, she ran a high fever and was in a lot of pain. She went to her doctor and had a DNC. I didn't think about those two babies at all. I just got drunk every day and didn't care. I met my wife a couple years later and she and her family led me to Jesus. I have quit drinking and drugging, but now I think about those two babies often. I used to think that an unborn child (fetus to those who support abortion) was just a lump of cells, I WAS WRONG. I used to think that it was a woman's right to choose, I WAS WRONG. God is the creator and giver of life and no one has the right to choose. I am guilty of aiding in the murder of two of my own children. I would do anything to change it but can't. My only hope is that I can help to save as many other unborn children as I can.

Age: 37
Location: Richmond, VA
Date: October 17, 2011

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