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Abortion Story: Norfolk, VA

Submitted to Abort73 by a 53-year-old woman on January 11, 2013


I am a 53-year-old woman who allowed her daughter to have an abortion at 16 weeks. My daughter was a bit of a "wild child" and as I look back, my husband and I allowed her a little too much freedom. She was secretly seeing a boy we did not approve of nor like. One night my husband and I went to dinner leaving her alone. She called my aunt because she was sick to her stomach. Didn't think much of it. Two weeks later, I took her to the doctor and found out she was 16 weeks pregnant. She cried, I cried. My husband was livid when we told him. We bought into the hype - "she's too young, it was date rape, she'll regret having this baby" and agreed to an abortion. Had to go out of state. It was the longest drive of my life. We got to the clinic and my child, crying grabbed me and wailed, "Oh, momma." I put on the "I'm a big liberated woman face" and told her it would be OK. IT WAS NOT OK. I had seen my grandchild on the ultrasound, knew it was a girl and still let her have the abortion. The guilt from this has nearly ruined our lives. She has suffered a nervous breakdown as I have. She is married now and I have two wonderful grand kids, but I often think what my beautiful granddaughter would've have looked like, now, at 16. I am a Christian and regret letting her do this. I pray every day God will forgive me. It has taken it's toll. To all the parents out there, please, please don't allow your daughter to have this barbaric procedure done. I hope God has mercy on my soul.

Age: 53
Location: Norfolk, VA
Date: January 11, 2013

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